
Employment Application

Please submit this simple contact form and we will contact you with our full application process.



    Times Available:


    Employment History

    (List below the last three employers starting with the most recent first. For all dates, include Month and Year.)

    Other Relevant Background

    Essential Requirements of the Position

    The essential requirements of the job are as follows:

    • Able to work in fast paced, noisy environment for up to 4 hours.

    • Able to lift up to 50 pounds. This includes moving equipment and physically spotting students on gym equipment.

    • Able to clean bathrooms, party room and all gym equipment.

    • Able to climb and maneuver over mats and equipment.

    (Note: We comply with the ADA and state law and consider reasonable accommodation measures that may be necessary for eligible applicants/employees to perform essential functions.)

    Work / Volunteer References

    Give the names of three persons not related to you whom you have known at least one year and who can give information about your work qualifications.

    Give the names of three persons not related to you whom you have known at least one year and who can give information about your work qualifications.

    Give the names of three persons not related to you whom you have known at least one year and who can give information about your work qualifications.


    Please Tell Us About Yourself


    I hereby certify that all information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I have not knowingly withheld any information that may adversely affect my chances for employment. I understand that any error or omission of information may result in denial of employment or termination at any time. I authorize all my current and former employers and their employees, past or present, to give Little Whale Tumble School any and all information concerning my employment history and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise. I also authorize that all my former schools may give Little Whale Tumble School any or all information concerning my education. I also authorize all the references that I have provided to give any information to Little Whale Tumble School that they consider relevant. I waive all privacy interests in such information. I understand that if I receive a conditional offer of employment, at Little Whale Tumble School's discretion, Little Whale Tumble School will require a criminal history background check conducted by a background check provider, in accordance with applicable law. In such an event, Little Whale Tumble School will provide a separate authorization form for me to sign. Further, to the maximum extent that can be waived under law, I release all the sources referenced above (and all their employees, officers, directors and agents) and Little Whale Tumble School (and its employees, officers, directors and agents) of all claims and liability for any damages resulting from their furnishing any information, whether I agree or disagree with the content of the disclosed information. Thus, I understand that if any one of the above sources discloses information which I believe to be erroneous, I cannot bring any legal action against that source or Little Whale Tumble School regarding the disclosure of the information. In this regard, I waive any and all benefits associated with California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides: "General Release/Claims Extinguished. To the fullest extent permitted by law, a general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his/her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him/her must have materially affected his/her settlement with the debtor." If employed, I understand that my employment can be terminated with or without cause, at any time, and for any reason, or no reason, at the option of either Little Whale Tumble School or myself. I understand that no one, other than an officer of Little Whale Tumble School has any authority to enter into an agreement for employment for a specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing. Any agreement entered into by an officer can only be made in writing signed by him/her and the employee. I understand that the issuance of this Application does not indicate that there are any positions open.